Kids 1st Ashbrooke is an incredible nursery, which provides quality childcare in a happy and stimulating environment. We visited the nursery this week and joined in on activities such as painting, drawing, and so much more! A special blog post dedicated to our incredible children and staff at Ashbrooke!

  •  03/05/2018 10:25 AM

On Monday, 12th February we returned to Kids 1st Low Fell, as we hadn't been around for a while. It was an amazing experience to see how much some of the children had grown since we last visited. We took some photos and played with so many toys. The children had lots of fun. Read more about our second visit to Low Fell on this blog post.

  •  13/02/2018 10:38 AM

Visiting Kids 1st Nurseries is always a huge pleasure and we always have a great time. From fabulous staff to great looking and clean nurseries, Kids 1st provides the necessary tools for your child's development. We visited Kids 1st Wansbeck last Wednesday, 17th January. You can read about our experience on this blog post.

  •  18/01/2018 02:54 PM

Some parents get confused about the differences between a day nursery and a preschool. The truth is there are a lot of different child care establishments; it’s easy to assume that they all mean, or offer, the same thing. In this post, we’ll be discussing the important differences between pre-schools and day nurseries, in an attempt to make the daunting – and understandably emotional – process of registering your child or baby less more of an informed one. The good news? At Kids 1st we offer both! Read more about it on this blog post.

  •  24/11/2017 11:27 AM

On this blog post we share some activity ideas for this winter, as we all know how impatient and bored children can sometimes get when it's raining!

  •  21/11/2017 01:54 PM

On this very first blog post, we would like to share with you the reasons why nursery education is so important. Even if most of them might sound obvious, there are many other reasons that we sometimes don't think about. Read more about the subject in this new article.

  •  21/11/2017 01:49 PM