A few weeks ago we've started wondering what Kids 1st Low Fell has been up to, as we hadn't visited the staff and children for quite a while. So, naturally, we've had to book a visit to the wonderful nursery for the 12th February!
It's amazing how much the children had grown in such a short period of time. All children were so much more mature; the babies who were still learning to keep the balance on their feet were now sprinting around confidently; those children who could only say a few words were now forming elaborate sentences, telling us about what their dad's job was, what they'd had for dinner the night before, or even why a butterfly was their favourite animal! It was impressive to observe how quickly the children were learning and growing, becoming more independent, being able to do simple tasks completely on their own, with nothing but a little supervision from the staff - most children were now so much more autonomous!
Seeing the children's development: physical, emotional and cognitive was a great confirmation that kids 1st nurseries are devoted to providing excellence in childcare, always keeping the child's best interest at heart. As we moved around the rooms, we had the opportunity to play with the children, hear about their day, read them some stories, and even play a few great games!
The children were entertained with something in every single room. This little one (who has grown so much since we last saw him!), was loving this particular toy, as he moved the beads around the colourful arches.
Oh, how much fun you can have with foam! These children were delighted to play, and they wanted to get their aprons on as soon as we mentioned what they'd be doing.
It got a little bit messy at one point, but it was a happy mess!
This child loved to play with that pretend mobile phone. Letting go of that phone was impossible, as it was so much fun, but she managed to do a colour sorting game at the same time! Talk about multi-tasking!
In the same room, lots of other activities were taking place, though. Some children were painting or drawing, using so many different colours!
The boys, however, were a little more interested in playing with different cars like ambulances or police cars, and building garages and bridges for the cars to park at.
And look how many vehicles this little one has managed to fit in on that upper level!
Stories are always a great idea!
There were so many toys available it was hard to choose. This green shape seemed to be this Seahorse's favourite!
Some children were exploring other textures and playing with other toys. This little one, for example, was so determined to find out the whole science behind tying a shoe.
How do we tie this shoe? Hm....Let's have a look...
Hold on, I really think I'm onto something here...
But as the minutes went by, it was time for some tea.
One sugar or two?
In one of the rooms, it was story time! The children sat on the floor, but not without first singing a few songs. Singing always gets them excited! This little one in particular was clapping, laughing and singing. So much happiness!
All of the rooms were very tidy and clean, as per usual.
Soon, it was lunch time. Hmmm!
All the children were eating very independently, with nothing but some supervision from the fabulous staff. Everyone finished their meals in no time! There were some hungry tummies in this room...
After the main course, the children devoured their dessert.
After some great food and an exciting day of adventures, it was hard not to start feeling tired and a little sleepy. It was time for a much deserved rest!
As the children went to bed for an afternoon nap opportunity that most of us, adults, would die to have, it was time to say goodbye. We can't wait to return to Low Fell and spend time with so many incredible children!