Young children need the opportunity to use their whole body and develop their gross motor skills. It's only when they have mastered these that they will be able to control their fine motor skills, such as using a knife and fork or holding a pencil! Many of the fundamental tasks that children must achieve, such as exploring, risk-taking, fine and gross motor development and the absorption of vast amounts of basic knowledge, can be most effectively learned though outdoor play. Read more on this blog post!

  •  04/01/2018 10:03 AM

That's right! Santa visited our Durham nursery last Friday, 15th December. All the children were beyond excited to see Santa and, of course, get some presents! We've been to all the rooms and took pictures of the event. Santa was definitely a success among the children. Read more on this blog post.

  •  18/12/2017 11:48 AM

Some parents get confused about the differences between a day nursery and a preschool. The truth is there are a lot of different child care establishments; it’s easy to assume that they all mean, or offer, the same thing. In this post, we’ll be discussing the important differences between pre-schools and day nurseries, in an attempt to make the daunting – and understandably emotional – process of registering your child or baby less more of an informed one. The good news? At Kids 1st we offer both! Read more about it on this blog post.

  •  24/11/2017 11:27 AM

On this blog post we share some activity ideas for this winter, as we all know how impatient and bored children can sometimes get when it's raining!

  •  21/11/2017 01:54 PM

On this very first blog post, we would like to share with you the reasons why nursery education is so important. Even if most of them might sound obvious, there are many other reasons that we sometimes don't think about. Read more about the subject in this new article.

  •  21/11/2017 01:49 PM