Kids 1st Durham is a purpose built nursery catering from children aged from birth to five-years-old. The nursery is split into rooms that are age dependent and take into consideration the child's level of development. Every room has access directly onto large challenging gardens, specially designed for its user group.
The children at Kids 1st Durham are given the opportunity to enjoy lots of exciting lessons as well as they are also taken out on trips during the year. Aiming to provide the best quality childcare in the area, Kids 1st Nurseries have nothing but the best interests of your child in mind.
We visited the nursery once more this week, and we had a wonderful time with all the staff and children.
At Kids 1st Durham, the children love to spend time outside playing football, playing with their favourite toys, running around and exploring. We were delighted to join in on the children's activities and more than happy to document everything on camera.
This little one, for example, was having so much fun playing with her favourite 'Minnie' red ball.
With a brand new 'watering can wall' outside, the children got to explore and play with water, filling containers and pouring the water through these exciting objects. Of course, they had to put on their rain boots and coats!
The children loved to explore and play at this new 'sensory wall'. The playground was filled with nothing but laughter and happy faces.
Also on the playground, other children were enjoying different activities, such as football, playing with giant Lego, going on the swing and more!
As usual, all the staff was super friendly and patient, caring for the children in a professional manner, giving them the opportunity to learn as they play. Due to the staff's exceptional knowledge and understanding about how children learn and develop, they plan stimulating and exciting activities that motivate children to learn and consequently make consistently excellent progress in their development.
We had a wonderful time at Kids 1st Durham, and we can't wait to go back! See you soon, Kids 1st Durham!