Last Thursday, 31st May, Kids 1st Quorum hosted a parents play day at nursery, where the children's parents got to join them for lots of activities. From playing hide and seek to indoor games at nursery, the children were beyond the moon with excitement and happiness, and the parents couldn't hide their happiness either! This heart-warming blog post, with lots of photos documenting the event is a must!

  •  01/06/2018 01:46 PM

A must-read post!! The children at Kids 1st Nurseries celebrated the Royal Wedding last Friday, 18th May, with a royal tea party. We visited Kids 1st Gosforth to photograph many children dressed as princes and princesses. They enjoyed royal snacks and wore crowns to celebrate the wedding of Meghan and Prince Harry. We documented it all through the camera lens. Read more about our visit on this blog post!

  •  21/05/2018 12:21 PM

Nothing can replace the role human interaction plays in a child’s growth and development, especially when it comes to acquiring language and developing communication skills. Whether it's playing outdoors, drawing, painting, learning about nature or even reading books, all the activities that take place in Kids 1st nurseries have been designed not only for your children to enjoy, but for them to develop their communication and cognitive skills. Last Monday, 29th January we drove to Kids 1st Bowesfield to visit the nursery and take photos of the children. Come with us on this journey as we explore the nursery, get to know the staff, and have lots of fun with the children. Read all about our visit on this blog post.

  •  30/01/2018 10:48 AM